Saturday, June 30, 2007

Criminal or just another "activist"?

By Rick "DaVoice" Charles

Meet Pierre Werner. Pierre is a long-time medical marijuana activist who our State Government here in Nevada has decided to spend our hard earned tax dollars to lock up for growing a little "garden".

Laws in Nevada are very clear about marijuana, and in fact there have been numerous ballot initiatives over the past few years. Legalization measures on the ballot have (IMHO) been wrongly voted down by the voters in the same State that happens to be the ONLY State in the U.S.A. to allow prostitution (with a few county exceptions, including Clark Co. which is the County that includes the City of Las Vegas). There are more strip clubs per capita in Las Vegas than in any city in the country, and gambling on EVERYTHING including sports is wide open.

The state allows licensed marijuana patients to grow the plant or choose someone else to grow it for them, but that person can't provide the drug for any other patients.

I could care less what adults do in the privacy of their own homes as long as it does not harm anyone, or put any children at risk.

Why are we wasting our valuable resources in locking up people who want to smoke a little dope, and especially people who have conditions that marijuana smoking can actually HELP, such as cancer patients with nausea, people with glaucoma, and those suffering with end stage AIDS.

Originally sentenced to an unbelievable 12 to 34 months has now had his sentence extended an additional 7 months, why?

Well, there is a good reason (I guess) THIS BOZO was found to have a "little garden" that was 100 plants. No matter how much you stretch it, that goes far, far beyond personal use.

Ok, why are we building more and more prisons? Why has the incarceration population in this Nation gone from approximately 175,000 in the early 1970's to over 2.3 MILLION in 2007?

THE PHONY "WAR ON DRUGS". While this guy may just be an idiot, as he'd been warned several times, there are families being ripped apart by the "war on drugs" that this Nation pretends to wage in our name.

There are some States like Florida and Alabama where some "criminal inmates" are serving 20 year plus sentences for having as little as a quarter pound of marijuana. Prison overcrowding and street crime can be DIRECTLY LINKED to the "WAR ON DRUGS".

Now I'm not advocating the free use of all illegal drugs by anyone at any time, and especially not for anyone under the age of 21 (I would say 18, but since alcohol is one of the worst drugs and it has an age requirement of 21, lets start there) but where does it stop?

This Nation has spent BILLIONS that's right, BILLIONS with a B on "The War On Drugs". What has that done? It has created a whole new criminal underclass that mostly affects the urban population, and people of color disproportionately, has flooded our NEW prisons as fast as we can build them.

STOP THE WAR ON DRUGS, and let's call addiction to REAL DRUGS (not marijuana) what it is, a MEDICAL PROBLEM, NOT A CRIMINAL PROBLEM.

Meanwhile, I wonder how many of the plants weren't counted by the crooked Las Vegas narcotics task force, and are now flourishing in their home "grow closets".

'nuff said

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